The 3-Month Mentorship Program: A Conversation with Your Nervous System

Effective nervous system functioning requires time, safety, and support. The nervous system tends to operate best at a slower pace, so it's crucial to give your body the time, knowledge, tools, and space it needs for self-regulation to happen naturally. This mentorship is designed to kickstart that process. While we can't predict if it will ever be fully complete, we all deserve a solid first step and foundation. That's exactly what my 3-month mentorship program is here to provide you with.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this mentorship, you can book a free 15-minute chat with me here.

When I began this journey, I used to multitask while doing somatic exercises, believing it would make me more effective. However, I realized that approach only took me so far. When I let go of the need for safety, security, and control by staying busy, I fully immersed myself in my body, became truly present, and dared to let my body lead. It was the scariest and bravest thing I ever did.

Understanding nervous system regulation, learning how to get "unstuck," healing from disease, increasing your capacity to remain calm under pressure, and setting healthy boundaries all take time and support. These are not quick fixes.

Our brains cannot distinguish between past and present. Memories with emotional charges affect us physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the present. When we are in a state of fight, flight, or overwhelm, we disconnect from our bodies and become trapped in our minds, leading to analysis paralysis and a sense of disconnection.

This is why I invite you to join my 3-month mentorship program.

You are not lacking willpower, nor are you lazy. Nothing is broken. Your nervous system is simply doing its job of protecting you. Stop and listen. Are you ready for a change?

Who Is This For?

This mentorship is designed to support you on an experiential journey. Together, we will learn, stumble, feel deeply, listen, and rise again.

What We Address:

  • The Biology of Trauma®: Understanding how overwhelm affects your biochemistry and holds you back.

  • Somatic Work: Starting with safety and support as we explore different memories stored in the body.

  • Mental and Emotional Stress: Addressing how stress and overwhelm impact your mind and emotions.

By viewing your experiences through the lens of the nervous system, you'll understand why symptoms are sacred expressions of deeper, stored needs requiring your true attention.

With self-compassion, you might stop fighting yourself, and true healing can begin.

Common Symptoms of Nervous System Dysregulation:

  • Unbalanced sleep

  • Gut issues

  • Lack of energy

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Mood swings

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Feeling stuck in life

  • Following all the rules, but nothing seems to help

Investment & Inclusions:

  • One 60-minute private session with Louise each month to personalize your journey.

  • Access to the program & course material on Mighty Networks

  • One 75 min lecture/week Tuesday's 16:30-17:45

  • One 45 min somatic check-in a week Friday lunch. 12:00-13:00

  • Daily support via Might Networks for you 3 months.

Investment: 3495 kr / month for 3 months.

(4995kr / month with 2 private sessions per month)